Right, so, this is meant to be an organization tool. Because I need as many of those as I can get, and I intend to keep this little blog (that's meant for, like, one person, so, yeah) running as long as I have this story. Quick overview.
AlIaS is the story about a poor, unfortunate soul named Justin, who basically personifies the song "Wrong" by Depeche Mode. Because everything in his life was technically "wrong," meaning that the powers-that-be altered what his life was truly supposed to be to better fit what he needed to be. For example, "born in the wrong house, at the wrong time," is how Justin was originally intended to be born in the simple chapel that his father worked at, as was custom for their family, after a normal amount of time in the womb. What really happened, though, was his mother went behind his father's back, birthed him prematurely in the less-than-professional hospital. That altered his immune system and all the other medical issues that came with being a still-born for a good few hours (the staff called him a miracle baby), and Justin's life was forever changed.
And all of this was changed by this psycho group (from another planet, ALIENS (not really, but you get the point)), called the Council (so creative, they actually didn't bother to name themselves, Torn had to come up with it on the spot), and they are led by the crazy, > 100,000 lady named LC. That's her name, two letters, though sometimes she actually spells it out, like Elcee or Elsye.That last one probably isn't even spelled right, but she's one of those "these are how many shits I give" persons.
So, through a twisted turn of events (involving brothers and not-brothers and poisons and fathers), Justin gets swept away~ by this dude named Torn and taken to the Council. And they're all a bunch of freaks, and LC tells him "dude, go kill the father of those not-brothers of yours that you took care of, kay kay?" and he's all "lolwott no they should kill him cause he's a freak" but then she's all "nope, gotta be you, and you gotta die afterwards" and then he's all "... aw." Yeppers.
So, he's sent on this wondrous adventure, through space and time (literally), taking members (bodyguards, in a way) of the evil father of the not-brothers, and recruiting members for the big finale that isn't actually until after Justin dies and I doubt any of us (yes, even me) will ever get there. And he makes friends,makes enemies, loses a LOT of people that he cares about, and fights for the worlds.
And that's AlIaS.
(it's called that because Justin entres each world under a different persona and name (last name, he's always Justin) and works with a past that his Messenger (Jaden) sets up for him two months in advance)
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